
Your DNA Test Specialist in London

We maintain the highest levels of quality with every DNA test that we provide. Our service to you should be smooth, simple and very reliable Book your DNA test now.

Legal DNA Testing

We offer a range of testing for both Legal and Non-Legal purposes accredited by the Ministry of Justice

Paternity Testing

Paternity or maternity testing to a legal standard that can comply with the Family Law

Immigration DNA Testing

For Immigration DNA testing requested by the department for VISA or Citizenship purposes

Nail DNA Testing

Toothbrush DNA Testing

Twin Testing

Ancestry Testing

Grandparent Testing

Single genetic profile Testing

Uncle Testing

Aunt Testing

Sibling Testing

Maternity Testing

How can DNA testing help you?

We provide a range of DNA tests in our Central London clinics to see if two or more people are related to each other. For example, tests include paternity testing to see if a man is the biological father of a child, maternity testing to see if a woman is the biological mother of a child, and other relationship testing such as full siblings, half siblings, aunt/uncle – niece/nephew, and grandparents. London Medical Testing offers you fast and affordable DNA testing that is highly accurate and confidential. Our DNA tests are conducted with state-of the-art equipment and are competitively priced, making them affordable and accurate. Your samples will be analyzed in a London Medical Clinic laboratory within the United Kingdom for your assurance and complete peace of mind. We know that doing a DNA test is not a straightforward choice and picking the right company will ensure the process is as simple as it can be.

DNA is collected by rubbing a brush gently inside the mouth against the cheek for 15
seconds. The collection is safe and painless and can be performed on individuals at any age,
including infants.

When the samples arrive at the laboratory, testing begins immediately and is completed
within 3 to 5 business days.

Results are released immediately once the testing has been completed. One copy of the
results is sent by email and one copy is sent by mail. You can choose where to send the
results at the time as the order is placed.

Prenatal DNA testing can be performed using a CVS sample or an amniotic fluid sample. If
you are interested in proceeding with prenatal testing, the first step is to arrange an
appointment for amniocentesis or CVS with your physician/obstetrician. Once the
appointment is confirmed, please let us know and we will help you to initiate a file and send
the collection kit directly to your physician. The turnaround time is 3 to 5 business days from
the date that we receive the samples. If you are unable to have a prenatal sample collected,
please note that DNA testing can be performed on the day of birth using a mouth swab kit

DNA testing can be performed on individuals at any age. Sample collection can even occur
on the day of birth.

For private testing, if the parties to be tested live at different addresses, we can split the kit
and send the kit to each address separately. Since the kits are individually barcode labelled,
they will be tested together once the samples arrive back at the laboratory. To order a split
kit, simply state “please split this kit” in the comments box of the online order form. Please
also indicate which name and address to send each component. Alternatively, you can
choose to have the entire kit shipped to you and you can split the kit yourself and send the
components to the other parties in the test.

If the alleged father is deceased, forensic DNA testing can be considered using items which
may contain the alleged father’s DNA. Forensic DNA testing can be performed any anything
that has biological material from the father such as an old toothbrush, electric razor, blood
stains, saliva stains, and bone or teeth from an exhumation. If it is not possible to obtain a
forensic sample for the alleged father, testing his direct relatives can be considered. If his
parents are alive, the grandparents test can be performed. If he has any siblings, then an
aunt or uncle test can be performed. If the alleged father has other children, then a full or
half sibling test can be performed.

Paternity testing is a highly accurate method of identifying whether a man is a child’s
biological father.
For a peace of mind paternity test, cheek (buccal) swabs are used to collect cheek cell DNA
from the alleged father(s) and the child.
These samples can then be analysed and compared in the laboratory to identify matching
DNA markers (loci) in the DNA samples.
Every person inherits half of their DNA from each of their biological parents, so such a
comparison can help us to establish the probability of paternity.
When testing the biological father, both the man and the child will share enough identical
sections of DNA to confirm a biological relationship. If the tested man is not the biological
father, this will not be the case.
The London Medical Testing paternity DNA test is more accurate and reliable than other
tests on the market because it looks at twice as many DNA markers.

Our paternity testing is 100% accurate and reliable, based on the samples we receive at our laboratory.
Better still, London Medical Testing is UKAS accredited, meaning that we meet the highest
international quality standard for testing laboratories, as recognised by the government.

An immigration DNA test is often required when a UK citizen is sponsoring the immigration
of a relative who needs to prove to the Home Office, UK Visas and Immigration, Border
Force, Immigration Enforcement, HM Passport Office, embassy, or consulate that the
person seeking UK citizenship/a UK passport is a blood relative.
For example, if a child is born abroad to a parent or parents who are UK citizens, a Home
Office approved DNA test may be required to confirm paternity or maternity, which will
allow the child to be granted UK citizenship.
While documents such as birth or marriage certificates will usually be enough to prove a
relationship for immigration/visa or passport applications, DNA tests can prove invaluable,
provided the applicant has independently decided to submit DNA evidence to support a
relationship (as they cannot be asked to do so by officials).

A DNA test for a Home Office visa application or a UK passport application might be needed
if the client/applicant is applying to join their family members who are already living in the
UK as permanent residents, or if they are applying for a UK passport based on a familial
A person submitting an immigration or passport application will usually be required to
submit supporting documents such as birth or marriage certificates.
These documents are often enough to prove a relationship for an immigration application or
a passport application.
However, where more evidence is required, or there are no official documents available
(e.g. birth certificates), the applicant might choose to take a DNA test to prove a biological
relationship to family members residing in the UK.
It’s important to note that the applicant must independently decide to submit DNA
evidence, as they cannot be asked to do so by Home Office officials.

Examples of DNA testing being used for visa/passport applications include:
• If a child is born abroad to UK citizens and parents are seeking citizenship for the
child. In this instance, the individual may choose to have a paternity or maternity test to
confirm parentage.
• If a relative plans to move to the UK and they want to submit DNA evidence to
confirm a familial relationship (where a UK citizen is sponsoring them for citizenship or a
visa), they may decide to have a complex relationship DNA test
Complex relationship DNA tests can be used to verify a biological relationship between
siblings, grandparents and their grandchildren, nieces and nephews and their uncle(s) or
aunt(s) or even tell us the likelihood of two or more people being cousins.
How are DNA samples collected when a family member lives abroad?
When collecting a DNA sample from a foreign location, a sample collection kit will be sent to
the required foreign location, and an appointment can be arranged via a local GP, medical
practice, hospital, or another approved clinic in the applicant’s country.
The DNA samples are then collected (both in the UK and abroad) under chain of custody,
with the donor(s) required to provide a form of ID, including photographic identification.
AlphaBiolabs, is well-versed in collecting DNA samples from individuals living abroad.
We operate alongside a large international network of sample collectors, who work closely
with immigration centres, consulates, and embassies worldwide to ensure a fast and
efficient service, collecting samples from over 90 different countries worldwide.
Our DNA tests for immigration are accepted by the Home Office, UK Visas and Immigration,
HM Passport Office, and UK courts.