
DNA aunt testing

DNA aunt testing (also known as an avuncular test) is often needed when the alleged father or mother is deceased or unwilling to participate in the testing process and the alleged aunt of the child would like to establish their biological relationship to the child.

Our Aunt DNA Test works by comparing an individual’s DNA profile with that of an alleged aunt. Because an individual inherits half of his or her DNA from each biological parent, such a comparison reveals whether the child has inherited DNA from the alleged aunt who is being tested.

Due to the nature of the DNA Aunt Test, we recommend that the alleged aunt who has a claimed biological link to the child should be tested along with the child and their mother (or father, if the aunt is related to the child through the mother) to provide you with the most accurate result. However, the test can still be performed without a biological parent’s DNA. 

Please note that the alleged aunt must be a full sibling of the alleged mother or alleged father, and not a half-sibling.

How we do our DNA testing

We utilise the most up-to-date DNA testing technology to ensure the reliability and accuracy of our genetic testing. We also offer the fastest turnaround times for DNA testing in the UK. 

Our Aunt DNA Test analyses up to 42 DNA markers (loci) – double the industry standard for DNA testing – for an accurate, reliable result.

The test kit includes mouth swabs to be rubbed gently and painlessly on the inside of the cheek, to collect cheek cell DNA, with no needles required.

Your test kit will also be sent direct to your preferred address in discreet, plain packaging, for full confidentiality. 

Choose to receive fast, accurate and confidential Aunt DNA Test results either the same working day for £269, or the next day for just £199.